Recommended Individual Application
- A Prayer
- Affirmations
- Be Still and Know I AM God
- Meditation No. 1 - I ALONE AM
- Meditation No. 2 - For the Development of Mental Powers
- Statement of Being
- Prayer of Consecration and Surrender
- Prayer of Dedication
- Speaking the Word
- How to Protect oneself from astral forces
Daily Synchronized Readings
Noonday Service
Upon the degree of your faithfulness in observing this request; your dedicating yourselves to Our—your Christ Selves’—use; your keeping self and its thoughts out entirely and being wholly one-pointed in this Service, will you be preparing yourself for greater and more individual Service.
Monthly Public Meditation
This meditation is designed for one to learn how to quiet the mind, relax the body, retire in your consciousness as a soul and allow one’s Higher Self to come forth and speak to the mind.
If practiced religiously and wholeheartedly it becomes part of one’s consciousness and creates positive effects such as:
- It makes one positive, creative, and productive
- harmonizes and heals one’s family relationship,
- makes their community a positive environment to live in,
- brings development and progress to the nation,
- and brings peace to the world.
After meditation, Healing Session follows. You can bring your family members and friends who are in need of healing.
This gathering is an opportunity to join other souls in doing the Master’s Work for the Service of Humanity:
“Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.” –Matthew 18:20
If you wish to explore and be guided in proper meditation and/or you would like to free yourself from stress, worry, fear, other negative habits, and want to develop/cultivate the positive aspects of Your Self, then come and join us!
This is conducted every first Sunday of the Month at 8:00 AM-10:00 AM Manila Time. Please send us a message for more details.
Weekly Sanctuary/Study Group Meetings
- Impersonal Life Teachings—Study Group Outline I—Beginner’s Meditation--RIGHT MEDITATION
- Impersonal Life Teachings—Study Group Outline II—Introductory Lessons of the Impersonal Life Teachings--RIGHT STUDY
- Impersonal Life Teachings—Study Group Outline III—Speaking the Word—Devotional Service--RIGHT SERVICE
Activities for Children and Youth
- The Way Out Course for Youthlet and Youth
- Music for Youthlet and Youth
- Outline for Youthlet and Youth
Annual Introductory Class
- Easter Introductory Class
- National Heroes Introductory Class
- Christmas Introductory Class
Annual Retreat Courses
- The Way Out Course
- The Way Beyond Course
- The Mind Course
- The Soul Course
- The Spirit Course
- Wealth Course
- The Breath of Life Healing Course
Annual Large Classes
- Easter Class
- National Heroes Class
- Thanksgiving Class
- Christmas Class
Community Service
- Early Childhood Learning and Development
- Medical and Holistic Healing Outreach Program
- Tree Planting Program