The Way to Mastery: The Conscious Creation of Right Relationship and Meaningful Experience through Selfless Service
Published: March 31, 2024
Paperback: 232 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-8086-30-2
Dimensions: 5 x 0.5 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 250 grams
Printed on Cream Book Paper 60 lbs.
Copyright © 2024 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
This book contains Impersonal Messages on topics most commonly misunderstood by seekers and would-be disciples, with revelations that would seem shocking to most, but are soul satisfying to those who are ready to receive the Impersonal Truth:
The Master Within (A New Reading of An American Master: A Strange Experience with a Modern Mystic in the U.S.A.)
Published: December 25, 2021
Paperback: 152 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-8086-29-6
Dimensions: 5 x 0.375 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 156 grams
Printed on Cream Book Paper 60 lbs.
Copyright © 2021 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
The Master Within offers a new interpretation of the book An American "Master": A Strange experience with a Modern Mystic in the U.S.A., written by Dr. Albertus and published in 1935 by Joseph Benner, the anonymous author of The Impersonal Life. It shifts the reader's focus from the usual notion of a master as has been commonly known and understood to the real master—the Master abiding within.
For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the following are all the possible lessons to be learned in this little book:
What the experience of meeting a Master of Wisdom entails.
How to live in the Present, and how to utilize the Law given by the ALL HIGHEST and have the blessings It bestows, the Power of the Eternal NOW.
How to adjust and obliterate mistakes and their effects by entering into the All-Conquering Power of the Consciousness of Truth.
Truth consciousness—its attainment and its prevention.
The difference between the Great White Brotherhood and the Brotherhood of Christ.
The importance of the knowledge of the I AM.
What is required to make use of the Universal Law.
The elements needed to be able to serve effectively.
How and why most Masters serve or work incognito.
The true nature of a Master of Wisdom—without glamor or romanticized ideas.
The Banker: The Way to the Conscious Use of Unlimited Supply
Published: August 31, 2020
Paperback: 288 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-8086-27-2
Dimensions: 5 x 0.625 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 280 grams
Printed on Cream Book Paper 60 lbs.
Copyright © 2020 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
This book gives a new light and a better understanding about what money really is and how the Law of Supply works that once understood and applied, can change one’s life dramatically.
The chapters of this book were published as a series of articles from December 1933 to December 1934 in a monthly magazine called The Inner Life, published by Sun Center, an Ohio, U.S.-based organization led by Joseph S. Benner. These articles were made up of messages that had been dictated to an anonymous, impersonal student of the Impersonal Life Teachings by a Being--presumably an Adept--known only as "the Banker," who served in the field of economics.
The process of receiving dictations here does not refer to automatic writing or any similar activity that is psychic or spiritualistic in nature. Is a high level of conscious communication between the Banker, who is an Adept in the inner realms of the Spirit world; and a student of Truth who had been trained for this purpose. The student then transcribed the messages and sent them to Mr. Benner, who answered the Banker's questions and provided helpful commentary on the text, and published them in the magazine as a series entitled "The Banker." The articles were thus a collaboration between the Banker, the student, and Mr. Benner.
The Banker or the Adept shared what medium of exchange is used in the inner realms of the soul and discussed a very important lesson about money—how it should be used in the outer world.
In this book, you will also learn:
- Money—its Real Substance
- Money—Symbol of Impersonal Universal Service to a Whole
- Money as a medium of exchange
- Gaining Money through Love
- Giving Power to Money
- The Mental Concept and the Real Idea of Money.
- The Law of Supply
- And much more!
The message in this book is so timely today as it did almost 100 years ago when the great depression hit the world economy. Today, COVID-19 has affected not only the health and well-being of people but also the global economy wherein people are struggling financially more than ever and experiencing such mental and emotional distress—the instructions contained in this book is perfect for them and could just be what they need!
The Way to Freedom: The Impersonal Work— Teachings and Truths for Advanced Students Volume 2
Published: April 19, 2019
Paperback: 620 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 9 786218086135
Dimensions: 5 x 1.4 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 588 grams
The articles in this book, which were published under The Impersonal Work Department between August 1936 and December 1938, are organized into four categories: general instruction; the Inner Work and its Workers, derived from the sections under which these articles were published; the sharing of students’ experiences and realizations; and messages received by the students in the Silence during their application of the Universal Law. Although some articles lend themselves more fully to a particular category, there are many for which the classification is not as clear. For example, an article classified as a message could also have been classified as a realization.
The Impersonal Life Teachings in this book were intended by Mr. Benner for advanced students; however, readers will find that the realizations of the letter writers reflect different states or stages of unfoldment. Sometimes there may be differing or even contradicting ideas. This is to be expected, as one unfolds according to his or her consciousness and line of service, and as such, it would be pointless to compare the development of one student with that of another. The reader should understand that it is not the outer self that makes the effort; in reality, the Christ Self—the Loving One within, the I Alone AM—is the only Doer, pushing forth and expressing more of Itself through the outer self.
Within these pages, readers will also find valuable guidelines for group activity, especially for meetings within Study Groups and Sanctuaries. For those who practice other religions or who adhere to the teachings of other schools of thought, however, we urge that they not be put off by the reference to the Christ. Instead, we encourage them to try to apply the instructions themselves, starting with those with which they feel an affinity. Real Truth can only be validated by experience and application, after all.
Printed on Cream Book Paper 60 lbs.
Copyright © 2019 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
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The Way Beyond Course Special Edition: For Study Group Use
Published February 28, 2018
Paperback: 342 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-8-086104
5 x 0.75 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 320 grams
Paper: Cream Book 60 lbs.
Font: 11 pts. (serif)
Questions: 1140
The reader will note that The Way Beyond is a companion message to The Way Out. As such, seekers and students will benefit much from continuing to study the teachings in this second part. For if the Truths conveyed in The Way Out help one prepare the mind instrument, The Way Beyond continues to present the truths that enable the earnest seeker to enter the Kingdom and abide there in the Consciousness of the loving one within—the I AM—thus providing the Spiritual foundation needed for the preparation to serve and fulfill the purpose of the Impersonal Work.
8'The Way to Freedom: The Impersonal Work – Teachings and Truths for Advanced Students Volume 1
Published June 12, 2018
Paperback: 584 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-8086-09-8
Dimensions: 5 x 1.18 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 560 grams
Binding: Smythe-Perfect
Paper: Cream Book 60 lbs.
Font: 11 pts. (serif)
This book is a compilation of Teachings and Truths written by Joseph S. Benner, the author of The Impersonal Life for those considered advanced students. It also contains the realizations and experiences of these students, and the instructions they received in the Silence.
The articles in this book essentially pick up where the 65 Sun Papers – issued monthly by Sun Center from December 1928 to May 1934 – left off. Published under the The Impersonal Work Department from June 1934 to July 1936, these articles give instructions on the inner purpose and goal of the Impersonal Work, including qualifications and guidelines for those who had responded to the Group Work, Study Group, and especially, the Inner Work.
Through these instructions, The Way to Freedom: The Impersonal Work carries out the chief aim of the Impersonal Work: to move one's center of consciousness from the mind to the soul, and then to the Loving One Within – the I ALONE AM, the One Christ Within us all – thus enabling one to be a conscious Christ Worker who will help manifest the New Age, the bringing of the Kingdom Consciousness here on Earth.
Copyright © 2018 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
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The Way to Light: Gems of Truth Volume 2
Published December 23, 2017
Paperback: 541 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-8086-07-4
Dimensions: 5 x 1.18 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 522 grams
Binding: Smythe-Perfect
Paper: Cream Book 60 lbs.
Font: 11 pts. (serif)
The Way to Light: Gems of Truth is a compilation of the inner experiences, dreams, visions, and questions as written by the students of the Impersonal Life Teachings to Joseph S. Benner, and his responses to them.
Though written in the 1930’s, these articles are sure to resonate with those who have already contacted these Teachings, as well as those who are starting out on the way to Light.
Today’s readers will find that the experiences of these letter writers resemble or even mirror their own. After all, such experiences and concerns are common to all who set out on the path to finding God and His Kingdom, and are part of the spiritual and outer human experience—which in reality are One.
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Copyright © 2017 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
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The Way to Light: Gems of Truth Volume 1
Published August 26, 2017
Paperback: 584 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-8086-00-5
Dimensions: 5 x 1.18 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 546 grams
Binding: Smythe-Perfect
Paper: Cream Book 60 lbs.
Font: 11 pts. (serif)
The Way to Light: Gems of Truth is a compilation of the inner experiences, dreams, visions, and questions as written by the students of the Impersonal Life Teachings to Joseph S. Benner, and his responses to them.
Though written in the 1930’s, these articles are sure to resonate with those who have already contacted these Teachings, as well as those who are starting out on the way to Light.
Today’s readers will find that the experiences of these letter writers resemble or even mirror their own. After all, such experiences and concerns are common to all who set out on the path to finding God and His Kingdom, and are part of the spiritual and outer human experience—which in reality are One.
The Way to Light: Gems of Truth serves to supplement the books of The Impersonal Life series by highlighting the Impersonal Truth and its use in practical life, and showing what can be achieved through the application of the Law, and perfect faith and trust in God, the Impersonal Life, the Great I AM that I AM. Because each article is a
bite-size portion—a little gem, if you will—of the Universal Laws, the book is an easy but nonetheless informative and instructive introduction to the Law of Thinking and Creating, the Law of Supply, among others. from this, the reader may, as he/she chooses, delve into a deeper and more thorough study of the Impersonal Life Teachings.
Copyright © 2017 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
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The Way Out Special Edition for Study Group Use
Published December 23, 2016
Paperback: 548 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-95192-8-1
Dimensions: 5 x 1.14 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 530 grams
Binding: Smythe-Perfect
Paper: Cream Book 60 lbs.
Font: 11 pts. (serif)
Questions: 714
For the first time and for the convenience of all, three booklets separately issued in the 1930s are now published as one book: the original text of The Way Out booklet with 11 chapters first published in August 1, 1930; followed by the long out-of-print booklet, The Way Out Course with 21 Lessons for group study (in preparation for intensive Study Group Meetings where Group Consciousness and the Spirit of Cooperation and Brotherhood are developed), first published in 1934; and another long out-of-print booklet, The Way Out Correspondence Course with 21 Lessons for individual use (for the development of Concentration, Focus, and the Ability to Receive Divine Inspiration at Will), first published in 1936.
This book reveals the Great Secret Teachings long held and mysteriously practiced by those considered “Wonder Workers” from all corners of the world—even by the Individuals who held and possessed Great Wealth and Great Philanthropies who have acquired great financial success, and the Scientists, Inventors, and Industrialists, and the Teachers, Shamans, Swamis, Yogis, Reshees, Initiates, Adepts, and Masters who have attained great Spiritual success. Both use the same exact Universal Law and have demonstrated success in every area of life.
Copyright © 2016 by Sun Center Publishing House Philippines, Inc.
Copyright © 2017 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
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The Impersonal Life Volume 4: The Mind
Published April, 14, 2017
Paperback: 536 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-621-95192-9-8
Dimensions: 5 x 1.18 x 7 inches
Shipping Weight: 506 grams
Binding: Smythe-perfect
Paper: cream book 60 lbs.
Font: 11 pts. (serif)
Questions: 2,155
This book teaches the reader who, with persistent and determined effort, applies the knowledge and teachings contained within it:
̶ To be able to realize oneself as Divine Spirit or Pure Consciousness;
̶ To consciously enter the inner world of the mind where archetype ideas, thoughts, and concepts are located;
̶ To function as Pure Consciousness and be positively creative at all times;
̶ To draw forth ideas, and know how they are clothed by elemental substance and become thought-forms;
̶ To see the true nature of a thought, and the idea it hides;
̶ To consciously mold elemental substance into form to become manifest in the physical world, such as Perfect Health, Freedom, Harmony, and Prosperity;
̶ To think true thoughts by the use of the visioning faculty, and change seemingly limited conditions and appearances of lack into abundance, perfect conditions, and blessings for himself and for all;
̶ To command the outer mind at will to see only Perfection and manifest only Perfection; and
̶ To have complete control and mastery of his mind and all its forces, and ultimately become a Master Mind.
It helps the reader realize that the Divine Mind, as the One Divine Consciousness, in an infinite degree, is expressing in all life, consciousness, and nature, on whatever plane of being we find them.
It reveals to the reader a Great Secret: that thoughts are not just things, but that all manifestation is just a thought visible, whether that manifestation is in the celestial, cosmic, or planetary level.
This book is lovingly dedicated to
the One Divine Self—the Impersonal Life,
the Great I AM that I AM—That Self,
Unconditioned, Unchanging, All-Seeing,
All-Pervading—and to Its inner visible
manifestation, the Living Word, the Great I AM—
the One Christ in All, the I Alone AM—
and to the many centers of Its Consciousness:
̶ The Christ Minds that lead and bring all to abide in
̶ The Master Minds that train the mind to see
̶ The outer minds of all humanity that are now seeking, willing, ripe, and persistent enough to see, realize, and do whatever needs to be done for their souls to manifest
That Sun Center within All, which can bring on Earth that which is now manifesting in Heaven—the Kingdom of the Gods within—where beauty, harmony, goodness, and perfection abide in that Pure Consciousness—I AM.
Try to imagine yourself as being able to make your mind do anything you require of it. Imagine that it will accept as possible whatever you ask it to do, knowing you can and will give it the power to do it, so that without hesitation, it will do it—no matter how difficult.
You have heard of Masters and Adepts, and their powers. They are masters of their minds, adepts in using the unlimited powers of the mind. There will be some among those who have applied this knowledge and followed these instructions and the previous training given in the earlier chapters, and who will be among such Master Minds. As such, they will be doing the work they came here expressly to do in the times ahead.
- Chapter 8, “The Master Mind”
Copyright © 2017 Sun Center Publishing House Philippines, Inc.
Copyright © 2017 Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
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The Impersonal Life Volume 3: The Soul
Published March 23, 2016
Paperback: 380 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-621-95192-1-2
Dimensions: 5 x 0.82 x 7 inches
Shipping weight: 370 grams
Binding: Smythe-Perfect
Paper: Cream Book 60 lbs.
Font: 11 pts. (serif)
Questions: 1116
This book explains all the various phases of the soul; and shows its source, its birth, its life, its nature, its development, and its destiny. Likewise, it aims to make the soul’s relation to the outer mind and physical body, as well as to the Divine Spirit within—the I AM—animating it, so plain that all who read may understand.
The book has two parts: Part 1 was written by Joseph S. Benner from 1914 to 1925, and used as introductory reading material for participants of “The Soul Course,” conducted by the author to help students of the Impersonal Life become more grounded in the Impersonal Life Teachings. Part 2 contains various experiences of students concerning the Soul, in the form of students’ letters to the author from around 1929 to 1930.
Copyright © 2016 by Sun Center Publishing House Philippines, Inc.
Copyright © 2017 by Sun Center Spiritual Organization, Inc.
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