Joseph S. Benner (1872-1938)

During his sojourn on this plane, Mr. Benner endeavored to avoid the pitfalls into which his brothers had fallen. Instead of setting himself up at the head of his students, he remained sheltered behind the cloak of anonymity, choosing rather to let the Impersonal Message speak with the Voice of the Authority behind it.
No one may completely escape the personal in this world. But to the best of his ability, the founder of the Impersonal Work preserved the true Impersonality of its title. Early in Its inception, he dedicated his entire life to His Divine Father’s Service and never faltered in that path upon which he had set his feet. Because of his faithful service, the Impersonal Message fell on fallow ground. Wherever its seed fell, It took root and burst into bloom overnight. To the four corners of the Earth It spread, bringing joy and inspiration with It to the hearts of those who found It.